
You Can't Vote For Hillary Clinton

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The substantive difference between Obama and Clinton on a policy level is fairly small (hell, the substantive difference between most of the corporately controlled Democratic Party and the corporately controlled Republican Party is significantly smaller than most recognize). The tactics of the Clinton campaign, however, demonizing Obama as anti-American, as elitist, as overly intellectual, as insufficiently masculine to be a wartime President pander to the worst elements of the electorate and embolden the type of Republican arguments which have turned "liberal" into an epithet. She has aped the oppressor, gathering a greatest hits collection of all of the worst Republican slurs (many of which had been thrown at her husband) and slathered them upon Obama.

I don't actually think Clinton is sending an encoded "still not too late to kill him too" message, but given the tonal similarities between Bobby Kennedy and Barack Obama, and the undercurrent of potential violence that must accompany the prospect of an African-American man becoming President of the United States, there is a level of ugliness in this reference that can't be overlooked.

You can't vote for her.

Not that it matters.

Senator Obama will be the next President of the United States.

Revelation 4 - Leave Those Kids Alone.

A public high school in West Palm Beach, Florida required that girls who wished to walk across the stage at their graduation ceremony had to do so wearing pantyhose.

In 2008. Last week. Seriously.

Boys do not have to do this. Let me suggest that this is discriminatory, poor fashion, and given that it was 91 degrees in West Palm Beach this week, sadistic.

Gasoline is 4 bucks a gallon; we're spending 3 billion a week in a war that's now killed more Americans than 9-11, 1 in ever hundred family homes is currently under foreclosure in some American states, 46 million US citizens have no health insurance and Lindsay Lohan's mother has her own reality show.

The world in which these graduates are being sent is hard and mean and can choke the ability to live your own life on your own terms clean out of you. We are in a predicament, economically, environmentally, geopolitically, where as Americans we really should recognize we have approached a perlious precipice. We need as much brainpower as can be mustered thinking about the larger issues of the day, about our current circumstance, about how we can build the kind of world in which we want to live.

Stop telling young people how to dress. Yes, the droopy pants and the Beatle haircuts and the go-go boots annoy you.

Grow up. You dress for you. I'll dress for me.

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