
Prime 9 - Right Field

Sunday, January 7, 2024

  MLB Network rebooted its Prime 9 series, the conceit is the 9 greatest players at each position, counting only players who played the majority of their careers post desegregation, players ranked at the positions at which they played the most games.  In the way I've recently upgraded my basketball/football lists, I'm tweaking the baseball formula and my rankings here reflect that launch.

MLB Network

9. Dave Winfield
8. Mookie Betts
7. Tony Gwynn
6. Reggie Jackson
5. Al Kaline
4. Sammy Sosa
3. Roberto Clemente
2. Frank Robinson
1. Hank Aaron

My List
9. Dave Winfield
8. Dwight Evans
7. Mookie Betts
6. Tony Gwynn
5. Al Kaline
4. Roberto Clemente
3. Reggie Jackson
2. Frank Robinson
1. Hank Aaron

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