
Tendown February 15, 2014

Sunday, February 15, 2015

7 rings between them.

162 is here. This is Tendown 163.

1. I can't sign off on the whole list (Kurt Warner?) but 538 ranks Joe Montana as the greatest QB of all time.

2. 20 minutes on the World Champion San Francisco Giants? Sure, why not.

3. Where the hell is Michael Sam?

4. Who won the Grammys?  Kristen Wiig.

5. Lynching in America. - a history.

6. Cathy + Louis CK =

7. Walking while Indian.

8. Who gets your Facebook account when you die.

9. The Republican candidates on 2+2

10. The money from this Joni Mitchell piece:

“When I see black men sitting, I have a tendency to go — like I nod like I’m a brother. I really feel an affinity because I have experienced being a black guy on several occasions.”

and one more..

11. That's all for this time.  I'll be back next time, if there is a next time...

Your pal, Jim

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