There have been 131 Intercontinental Title switches in WWF/WWE history. I've seen well over a hundred of them; my record keeping is not as good as is it with the WWF Championship matches, but this should be close. Once we get to the end of the list, it would be easy to slip other matches in those spots. Here are the 20 best matches.
1. Aug '92 Bret Hart d. Davey Boy Smith
2. Mar '87 Ricky Steamboat d. Randy Savage
3. Jan '01 Chris Jericho d. Chris Benoit
4. Aug '91 Bret Hart d. Mr. Perfect
5. July '95 Shawn Michaels d. Jeff Jarrett
6. Aug '92 Bret Hart d. Roddy Piper
7. May '00 Chris Benoit d. Chris Jericho
8. Sept '03 RVD d. Christian
9. June '09 Chris Jericho d. Rey Mysterio
10. Sept '09 John Morrison d. Rey Mysterio
11. Aug '98 HHH d. Rock
12. June '09 Rey Mysterio d. Chris Jericho
13. May '02 RVD d. Eddy Guerrero
14. Apr '02 Eddy Guerrero d. RVD
15. Apr '06 RVD d. Shelton Benjamin
16. Apr' 00 Chris Benoit d. Chris Jericho/Kurt Angle
17. Nov '06 Jeff Hardy d. Johnny Nitro
18. Sept '04 Chris Jericho d. Christian
19. Aug '97 Steve Austin d. Owen Hart
20. July '04 Edge d. Randy Orton