I've got a CF with fewer than a thousand games at the position and one who played in the 19th century, they'll each be excluded from the MLB list, so I'll add two. My top 200 is here.
MLB Network
1. Mays
2. Cobb
3. Mantle
4. Speaker
5. DiMaggio
6. Griffey
7. Snider
8. Edmonds
9. Puckett
My List:
1. Mays
2. Cobb
3. Mantle
4. Speaker
5. DiMaggio
6. Hamilton
7. Griffey
8. Edmonds
9. RSmith
Hamilton and Reggie Smith wouldn't qualify for the MLB list, if I had those rules I'd add Beltran/Dawson. Beltran's 9 defensive wins above replacement better than Duke Snider for their careers. Reggie Smith's one defensive win better than that, with an OPS+137. MLB's list matched mine, really 1-6 since Billy Hamilton wasn't eligible for their list.